Friday, December 27, 2019

Spain and Portugal conquered the Americas, - 1600 Words

In this paper we will be talking about how Spain and Portugal conquered the Americas, their relationship between the economy, their education system, and their present day relationship. Throughout the paper you will start to realize that Spain and Portugal are very similar countries, maybe due to the fact that they’re both European counties. They have the same educational system, and government system. Spain and Portugal have a long history; they go all the way back to the1492 .Which is when Columbus first started his voyage to explore the West, which ended up in an argument over the land. Spain and Portugal worked as a team to conquer the Americas. In today’s world Portugal and Spain work together when it comes to drug trafficking and†¦show more content†¦The king of Portugal, John II was not happy with the division. John II, felt that the Portuguese interest in the South Atlantic where being jeopardized. Therefore he negotiated a treaty with Ferdinand and Is abella, 930 miles, known as 270 leagues back in the day, farther to the west. This treaty was known as the Treat of Tordesilla. However that did not stop Columbus from continuing to discover. Shortly after, 1493, Columbus returned to the Hispaniola along with 17 ships and 1200 colonists. Three years later, 1496, he returned to Spain to report his new discoveries and respond to the charges brought upon him by the colonists. Two years later in 1498 Columbus returned on a third voyage in which he explored the area off the north coast of South America. He discovered the island of Trinidad and the mouth of the Orinoco River. When he went to Hispaniola he found the colony in chaos, the colonists’ revolt against him. Due to that king Ferdinand appointed a new governor for the colony, Francisco de Bobadilla. Bobadilla arrested Columbus and sent him in chains back to Spain. Portugal’s population is 10.7 million. Their unemployment rate is currently at 15.9%. Portugal is currently in a deep recession. In May 2011, Portugal accepted a â‚ ¬78billion (euro), $103billion (dollar), united European Union-International Monetary Fund plan. Portugal’sShow MoreRelated The Age of Exploration Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagessuperpowers of Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands, the world as we know it would not exist. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Leading the way in the exploration of the world was the nation of Spain with a man named Christopher Columbus. Originally intending to find an eastwardly trade route to Asia, Columbus accidently discovered the Americas instead. When word of this â€Å"New World† reached Europe, it virtually started race between the Nations there to claim there own piece of it. Spain continuedRead MoreEssay on The Columbian Exchange1075 Words   |  5 Pagessociety. It prompted both voluntary and forced migration of millions of human beings. 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Before one can assume that they fully understand this controversial term, they must remember how the term came to be. The formation of this term began in the early years of the XV century when Spain and Portugal began the conqueringRead MoreAPUSH Chapter 1 Summary1675 Words   |  7 PagesNorth America 1. Recorded history began 6,000 years ago. It was 500 years ago that Europeans set foot on the Americas to begin the era of accurately recorded history on the continent. 2. The theory of â€Å"Pangaea† exists  suggesting that the continents were once nestled together into one mega-continent. The continents then spread out as drifting islands. 3. Geologic forces of continental plates created the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. 4. The Great Ice Age thrust down over North America and scouredRead MoreThe Conquest Of The Americas1094 Words   |  5 PagesThe conquest of the Americas is one of the most important events in modern history. The invasion, which took centuries to complete, created a trans-atlantic world. The people that began the conquest were Spaniards, inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, primarily from the Christian kingdoms of Castille and Aragon. Following the initial discovery By Cristobal Colon in 1492, Spaniards conquered most of modern South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. They did this in the words of Bernal DiazRead MoreCauses Of European Exploration754 Words   |  4 PagesEurope’s Age of Exploration and Discovery began around 1453 when the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople, which resulted in the fall of the Byzantine Empire. This conquest cut off most European access to this area, severely limiting trade with the Middle East, especially China and India. Fur thermore, Venice and the Ottoman Empire established a monopoly over trade, which irritated Europe and sparked their desire to reconnect with the East and restore direct trade relations with Asia. Europe’s desireRead MoreCause And Effects Of The Age Of Exploration1669 Words   |  7 Pagesfor luxury goods such as: gold and silver. One of the main reasons for exploration was not only to search for goods but with a goal to expand trade beyond horizons. The main things these nations were interested in trading were spices and silk. Portugal, Spain, China, and the Dutch all promoted exploration of the seas for distinct reasons. These nations set out to explore with different methods and motives which helped them to gain, but also came with consequences. Between the years 1405 up throughRead MoreObjectives Of European Colonization1189 Words   |  5 PagesWhat were the objectives in European colonization? The start of the European colonization of the Americas is typically dated to 1492. Some of their objectives included early conquests, claims, and colonies, early state-sponsored colonists, economic immigrants, religious immigration. Most American school children learn to recite this little phrase: In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Columbus, in fact, was just one of many explorers sponsored by European monarchs in the 1400s who were all

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Hypothesis Or Premise Of God - 906 Words

The hypothesis or premise of â€Å"The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity,† by Alex McFarland, is to worship and glorify the reason behind our Faith. The Bible teaches that Truth is related to the character of God, which means it is eternal and unchanging. It does not have an expiration date, and neither does it go out of style. The problem is that not everyone believes God exists or accepts the Bible as the ultimate authority. In the foundations of the Faith, Truth must be established as an absolute. This book shows how to respond theologically, reasonably, and practically to the most frequent objections to Christianity today: Objection one†¦God is Not Real- Logically, atheism and agnosticism do not make sense. Atheism needs†¦show more content†¦However, the theory of evolution incorrectly argues that those alterations can result in the creation of new species. It also mistakenly upholds that life itself could have randomly evolved from a nonliving substance. The statistical probability of life originating by chance is minimal at best, making that notion illogical. Objection three†¦The Bible is Not Completely Authentic- Many more prehistoric copies and parts of the Bible have been discovered than those of any other prehistoric texts. Therefore, the biblical texts have been established as genuine by historians. Most biblical documentation was recorded just a brief time after they actually took place, compared to the enormous time gap of centuries that existed with most other prehistoric texts. When an abundance of biblical texts are inspected and analyzed, they are verified to be reliable. Objection four†¦ The Bible is not Completely Accurate- The Bible contains complex passages that can be hard to comprehend. However, a verified mistake, convincingly, has never been discovered in all of Scripture. All 66 books of the Bible are the inspired, inerrant, and perfect Word of God. Remember that, while the New Testament was not formally assembled until the Council of Nicea in 327 A.D., the early Church previously recognized the same 27 New T estament books more than 200 years before then. Objection five†¦ Jesus Was Just a Man- It must be

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business Entertainment Management

Question: Discuss about the Business Entertainment Management. Answer: Discussion: As the technology accelerated, transformation of the music industry has become evident. Significant changes have already been noticed in the music industry due to rise of streaming, proliferation of digital distribution along with marginalization of terrestrial radio. The emergence of cloud based music personalized with artificial intelligence fed by big data with the emergence of new distribution channels like the social media (Rosso 2016). Live music has given scope to many to become musicians and singers. There are several platforms available such as YouTube or Vevo for these enthusiasts to portray their talent. They are being able to engage with their fans and make more audiences. The issues related to the compatibility of the different mode of transmission were also resolved and things were started to available rather free of cost (Arthur 2015). This created great challenge for the music industry. Live streaming has changed the concept of how the music industry used to run. Talented people have found it easier for them to present their talent to others. These artists believe that the royal structure of the music industry has always devalued their talent and blocked them to become professional musicians (Wall 2014). This argument is not new. Many artists feel that big brands and labels often take their advantage and increase their profit whereas the artists are not given the actual value that they deserve. The streaming companies are coming up with better innovations and options to the consumers than ever before. Any consumer owning any kind of smart device like the Smart phone or a tablet would be able to become a part of the live streaming. These musicians are helping to build the business of YouTube and themselves also earning money with the increase in likes of their video ( 2017). This can be regarded as the start of a new business. Recently, it has been observed that that paid streaming service has been launched and has been growing as well. This has helped in increasing the revenue of the music industry and the revenue has pulled in over $1 billion from the paid streaming subscribers in 2016 (Rosso 2016). This is definitely a positive take on the future of the music industry. Music, considered as the Universal language has seen lots of changes in its distribution. Radio, the most commonly way of listening music has been transformed into CDs, downloads and more (Wall 2014). The music industry has always been skeptical on the potential digital platform and has always considered the internet as the enemy of the industry. The issues of digital rights management and using compatible device have been universally accepted. The concept of ownership has changed drastically ( 2017). However, with certain legal approaches it has also been evident that positive approaches have been made to keep the music industry alive and in a healthy and profitable condition. Thus, even with such threat, the future of music industry can still found to be bright and alive. Therefore, the future of music industry is positive. References: Arthur, C., 2015 Streaming: the future of the music industry, or its nightmare? Available at: [Accessed on: 15-4-2017] 2017 Musics smart future: the impact of AI on the future of the music industry Available at: [Accessed on: 15-4-2017] Rosso, C., 2016 The Music Industry in 2026 Technology and Trends Changing the Future of Music Available at: [Accessed on: 15-4-2017] Wall, M., 2014 Is streaming technology saving the music industry? Available at: [Accessed on: 15-4-2017]

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mark Tw free essay sample

Mark Twains speeches survive the test of time through Twains frequent use of humor to engage audiencesboth past and present. However, some of his language choices pose special problems for modern audiences due to his use of the 19th century vernacular and some elements of sarcasm posed the risk of alienating audience members of his own time. Two of his speeches illustrate this fact. I think the courage passage had some challenge because of the vocabulary choices of twain’s time when he said â€Å"you ought never to have any part of audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do†.I also think the unconscious plagiarism passage had some vocabulary choices of twain’s time. When he said â€Å"you never can receive letters enough from famous men afterward to obliterate that one, or dim the memory of the pleasant surprise it was, and the gratification it gave you. We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Tw or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lapse of time cannot make it commonplace or cheap†. In the courage passage I feel that he shows a level of insensitivity when he said â€Å" I suppose it maybe said of Nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limits†.In the day we celebrate passage when he said â€Å"His hat fitted me exactly; my hat fitted him exactly. So I judge I was born to rise to high dignity in the church some now or other but I do not know what he was born for†. Also in the unconscious plagiarism passage when he said â€Å"Doctor Holmes is still in his prime and full of generous life; and as age is not determined by years, but by trouble and infirmities of mind and body, I hope it may be very long time yet before anyone can truthfully say, â€Å"He is growing old†.In the Day we celebrate passage when he said â€Å"I do not say â€Å"an† historical side, because I am speaking the American language†. I feel that he was trying to be sarcastic. Also in the courage passage when he said â€Å"I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattlesnake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor†. I felt that he was using a sense of humor. Many people was right he did use some humor and elements of sarcasm. But he was a great speaker he used many ways to engage to his audiences. Thank you.